Jaflong: A Paradise on earth!

Jaflong, one of the most spectacular and eye-catching tourist spots, lies to the northeast of sylhet, which is sixty kilometers form the city, usually renowned for its natural beauty, boulders, betel nuts(Paan), brilliant blue sky and tea and orange gardens. During the rainy season, torrents of water can be seen cascading down the mountain froming small waterfalls, which is beautiful a look at. A place of heavenly charm and happiness, it is situated at the foot of the Khashia-Jaitnta hills. Jaflong has the potential to be a dream destination for urban torrists who want to be at one with nature.

The crystal water of the River Piyain, the lifeblood of jaflong, slices through the spot.Through the spot is famous for its beautiful landscaps, forests and a unique cultural heritage, alongside its natural beauty and waterfalls form the adjacent hills, a riverboat trip over the Piayin can also be a thing to remember. Visitors usually like to take a bath in it by hiring a boat. An engine boat usually costs Tk350 for the trip. The Indian town of Dauki Bazar can be seen on the mountain form here, and lorries can be spotted roaring up the winding roads.
In addition, the River Mari can be spotted coming from the great Himalayas of India, bringing millions of tons of stone boulders with its tide. Visitors can enjoy the sight of the workers with thousands of boats collecting stones form the Mari.
The spot where most tourists gather is called Boller(boulder) Ghat, and the name tells its own story.Boulbers have become Jaflong’s bane. With stone mining companies using heavy machinery to extract stones form the river and the surrounding areas, Jaflong’s natural beauty is under threat. Efforts are needed to preaserve the area as an eco-park.
Tea and orange gardens at the place have added glamour to its beauty. One can visit the site.
The khashia one of the ethnic minority groups of Bangladesh, lives close to nature, in total harmony with Jaflong’s diversified and idyllic beauty. Visitors who venture to the far side of the river can see little Khashia village(Punjee). Pungees consist of pretty houses on bamboo stilts. The space beneath the houses is used to store firewood. A walk through the Khasia Punjees will take you to large plantations of paan(betel leaf) and supari(betel nut). The Khashia once practiced a pagan religion, and old records portray them as a fierce and warlike tribe. But nowadays the khashia lead a simple and quiet life, growing paan-supari and mostly fishing. Many of them have converted to Christianity. The forest walk will take you to the palace of the Khashia King. It’s a modest wooden affair but on the ground you will catch sight of one of Sylhat’s vanishing attractions- an orange grove.

To reach the destination, one needs to start his journey form Sylhet early in the morning. One can reach Mamar Bazar in Jaflong by a local transport form Subhanighat bus terminal in Sylhet.
However, a taxi, microbus or a car be hired for the journey. The road is straight as an arrow.So, buddy, embark upon your journey to heavenly Jaflong without any hesitation. Cheers!!    


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